Richard is known as a Shamanic Healer, a Spiritual Adviser, Teacher – Trainer and Creator of Healing Sound
and is particularly respected amongst the shamanic community for his powerful Energy Healing & Icaro training courses – Deep healing journeys equipping recipients with lifelong skills and sacred healing songs, the same feature strongly in his therapy sessions, sound healing events
We highly recommend you go straight to TESTIMONIALS particularly the written testimonials as nothing says it better than the sharings from former students and clients
It is, however, not only the shamanic healing that makes Richard’s work as a spiritual advisor or a personal coach very successful. His professional background in Psychotherapy, Neurolinguistics and Hypnosis as well as intense and ongoing self- inquiry aid to a set of skillful techniques that produce rapid transformation.
Richard’s work has evolved over the years, corresponding to his own spiritual journey, to work with the mind, the spirit and the energetic body.
Aided by a powerful encounter with indigenous Maestro Shaman Antonio Vasquez Gallaretta from the Shipibo tribe of medicine healers in the upper Amazon, Peru who showed Richard the power of Icaro and its healing effects on a spiritual, physical and emotional level.
Icaros are sung directly into the Chakras or energy centres of the body. The songs come from spirit and use Shipibo vocables, pure sound and healing frequencies.
Over the years many people have sought Richard’s help with a variety of different conditions and issues ranging from drug psychosis, addictions, fears and anxieties, depressions, feelings of confusion and overwhelm as well as many physical ailments.
Richard’s extensive knowledge of the workings of the mind as well as spiritual wisdom and his story telling and hypnotherapy skills make his private sessions extremely potent and successful.
Listen to some client’s and student’s testimonials here.
If you are ready to make a change and need help, direction and encouragement, book a session now.
Find out more about a private session and what to expect here.
If you want to learn how to channel the Icaros as a healing modality, check out the upcoming courses here.
What happens in a private session and what so I do in preparation?
Currently most of Richard’s sessions are held on Zoom
Prior to the session you’ll be asked to email Richard your sharing including where you’re at and what you’d like to achieve. Include as much information as you can so in the session you can focus on the healing.
Is ZOOM as powerful as in person session?
Certainly! The majority of Richard’s work historically has been held online as he has clients throughout the UK and overseas. The energy healing private sessions and training are conveyed powerfully in conference call
Can you suggest accommodation if I come to see you?
Yes, we have great accommodation close by, highly recommended by clients.
Will I be hypnotized?
Richard has many techniques to achieve results with people including coaching and NLP techniques, energy work and hypnotic language.
However, during the whole session you’ll be fully conscious and aware.
Will I be asked to have Ayahuasca or other substances
No, Richard does not serve medicine, he deems it to be simply not necessary – the work is powerful and effective on its own
Can you extract negative possessive entities?
Yes! And whilst doing so the client is shown how to further protect personal energy
Do you work with children/couples?
Yes, Richard’s clients range currently from 10-86 years old. He has also worked with many couples.
Can I have my partner/family member or a friend sit in on a session?
There can be another person in the room with you to offer support as long as they don’t interfere or disrupt the session.
How do I pay?
Payment is made in full at time of booking the session. Payment confirms your training or appointment.
No Shows, Late Cancellations, and Refunds: (this is important to understand)
If you need to postpone, please contact us at least 24 hours before your appointment and we will do our best to offer you another date.
Complete “no shows” have to be paid for in full.
We do not give refunds once the session or course is booked and scheduled.
We accept payment via bank transfer. We will send you the detail.
I have some deep-rooted issues. Will I need more than one session?
Richard will advise in the initial free interview. A lot can be achieved in just one hit!
Hear What People Have To Say
Services, Events & News From Richard Down Shaman
We offer one-to-one sessions as well as many amazing events throughout the UK!
See below for the various offerings

Intensive One-to-One Therapy and Energy Healing With Shaman Richard
Richard is known as a Maestro shaman healer, he sings icaro healing songs and uses his extensive background in neurolinguistics and hypnosis to effect life transforming healing effects for individuals and audiences large and small.

New Album Release 1st August!
Jurema Dreaming by Richard Down
52 minute Deep trance effect medicine sound journey and shamanic blessing
A powerful experience through orchestrated electronic frequencies
Healing and restorative, bringing balance Click the bandcamp link below and click follow you will be the first to know of this and an exciting series of future upcoming healing sound releases
Jurema dreaming Album release Out on August 1st

Visit our store, we have healing ambient electronic music for you to download. You will see our latest events and workshops and can purchase tickets from here
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time sound and peace events
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